The Arcane Codex

Unveiling the Secrets of the Ancients

Forgotten Fruit

There are various fruit which bloom in conditions so rare as to have never been seen by mortal eyes. Herein lies a detailing of six of those elusive flora encountered in my travels on the outer rim.

Lost Temple


  • Entries, for written word, thoughts seized from the mass mind, and theories.
  • Artifacts for the incorporeal treasure and lost lore of the deep and ancient internet, personally located and cataloged.
  • Creations for those entities of the Woodlynd, borne of its depths and emerging only from its heart.
  • Rituals for containment of esoteric instructions for the creations of countless items across innumerable mediums.
Crystal Skull


This netscape exists as a codex of relevant information and a catalog of creations

Forbidden Scroll